
In just under two weeks my house is going to be filled with women. My roommate Lindsey and I are hosting an IF:Local in our home. If you haven't heard of IF, they are an organization out of Austin started by Jennie Allen. They exist to gather, equip, and unleash women. They held their first conference last year and The Lord totally showed up in my life through it. He called me to some big things last year and he was SO faithful to me even when I thought I couldn't do what he was calling me to do. He showed up and my life is richer and fuller because of it. My life was richer and fuller thanks to the amazing blessing of IF. 

So in February, 15-ish women are going to gather in my home. We will be live-streaming the event from Austin along with thousands and thousands of women around the world. I am so excited, but I am also a little terrified. And it's there in the fear where I am reminded of how much I need God to show up and do things that I cannot. 

I cannot make people be open and vulnerable. That comes from the Spirit's guidance and a woman's decision. So I am praying that these women come ready to leave their burdens on the floor and trust God more fully with themselves.  I am praying that we would be a group of women who want to walk in openness and vulnerability and let God use our stories to the fullest. That we wouldn't fall prey to shame and lies, but that we would believe the truth that it is for freedom that we are set free. 

I cannot make people enjoy the speakers. There are going to be some amazing women on that stage, Jen Hatmaker, Christine Caine, Ann Voskamp. Some people are not going to connect with all of the speakers. So I am praying that The Lord speaks through each woman. That he speaks to each women at our gathering. I pray that they hear truth and that God uses it to bring each person closer to him. That we would see past what divides or annoys us and hear truth. 

I cannot make the women coming have a great weekend. They get to choose how much the weekend means to them. And it depends on God's work in each of their lives. So my prayer for each woman is that she experiences God through this weekend. That he speaks to her in a small way or a big way. That she is able to trust him more deeply at the end of these 48 hours. That she feels filled up and encouraged and loved by the time she leaves this house. I want her to know that God loves her deeply and that he will fulfill his promises to her. 

There are so many other ways that I am praying for the women who will soon be sitting on couches and chairs and cushions in the living room to worship and pray and eat together in just a few days. I cannot wait to see what God does and tell stories of his faithfulness. So I am waiting in anticipation, letting go of fear, and trusting God to yet again show up and show off in my life. He has never failed, he isn't going to start now. 

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